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Questions for Your Doctor

Knowing what to ask your doctor can be a difficult task. Especially if you aren't used to navigating the healthcare world. These are some questions we frequently see from our community that helped them in deciding who was the right doctor for them.

Therapy Session
Medical Checkup

Finding a Doctor

Finding a doctor can be a daunting task. We hope our list can help you in that journey. All of the doctors on our list are recommended by fellow MALS patients. Not every doctor will work for everyone but we hope this gives you a starting point.


Creating a Care Team

Having a team of medical professionals helping your daily welfare can be incredibly helpful. If you aren't sure of where to start to create a care team follow the link below to our page that fully discusses the topic.

Medical Team

You can submit a general question to our medical advisory board!


When will your question be answered?

There is no time frame for a response. The doctors will be answering these questions as they are able. We will be posting the responses on social media!

Want to Submit a Question to our Doctors?

Thanks for submitting!

Please don't submit questions about your personal healthcare. Our Medical Advisory Board will not be answering questions that are considered giving out medical advice.

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Copyright ©2020 National Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome Foundation, Inc. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Die National MALS Foundation ist eine gemäß 501(c)(3) eingetragene gemeinnützige Organisation. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die National MALS Foundation die Informationen auf dieser Website zum Nutzen der MALS-Patienten- und Klinikgemeinschaft bereitstellt. Die National MALS Foundation ist kein medizinischer Dienstleister oder keine Gesundheitseinrichtung und kann daher weder MALS diagnostizieren noch bestimmte medizinische Behandlungen unterstützen oder empfehlen. Patienten müssen sich auf den persönlichen und individuellen medizinischen Rat ihres qualifizierten medizinischen Fachpersonals verlassen, bevor sie Informationen zur MALS-Diagnose und -Behandlung einholen.

© 2022 MALS-Stiftung

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