Suzanne Keppley-Peek
Vice President
Our Background
My life’s passion and work has been in some form of patient/client centered care. First as a Certified Massage Therapist trained in various clinical and relaxation techniques, transitioning from a self employed private office setting to volunteering my services for palliative inpatient and home care patients. I continue with that service-based commitment by volunteering in hospice care, with an expertise in acute impatient vigils and facilitation of bereavement support groups. Currently working part-time for many years at an interventional pain management surgical center. It would be my 20 year old son who would need my help advocating for his health, healing and wellbeing; this is personal. His MALS journey and mine started with him feeling as if his heart was too big for his chest. Then came the night he had a sudden onset of severe chest pain and upper gastrointestinal unpleasantries resulting in him being admitted to the hospital. I reassured him I would be by his side every step of the way and do what is needed to help him. Like many other parents, there was an urgency for wanting to know what was causing my child all of his acute, painful symptoms and to fix the issue as soon as possible. After many Doctor visits, months of various tests and misdiagnoses, it was a mesenteric duplex ultrasound that revealed he had Median Arcuate Ligament Syndrome (MALS). I was so relieved and so was he to finally get an answer and a treatment plan. He had laparoscopic surgery to correct the anatomical structural issue of the diaphragm known as a decompression, or surgical release of the celiac artery with neurolysis of the celiac nerve plexus. I care deeply for those of you who are on this overwhelming journey. To me it’s important to give back, share my gifts in creating an environment for positive changes and to see the ripples manifest in ways that help people overcome the challenges and difficulties MALS afflicts and inflicts. I feel grateful and blessed to be part of this organization in helping to spread awareness and hope.