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This is just a small collection of our videos if you would like to see the full catalog please check out our Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok pages.
Educational Video on MALS
我们一直在为临床医生和患者提供有关称为正中弓状韧带综合症 (MALS) 的医疗状况的临床准确信息方面发挥着关键作用。通过与 Osmosis 和美国罕见疾病组织 (NORD) 合作制作和发布此教育视频,我们将帮助更多的临床医生了解这种罕见病症,并确保患者更快地进行诊断。请随时与您的临床医生分享此视频。
Faces of MALS
For Awareness Day (February 17, 2023) we released a video called "Faces of MALS" We really wanted to showcase that MALS can come in all ages, genders, and races. There are times when physicians discount a diagnosis because a patient doesn't fit the MALS stereotype. We wanted to show that MALS doesn't care who you are. So why does a doctor?
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